A quick overview of major cultural and tourism events every day.
188bet app Group 2022-06-17 10:00:00
A quick overview of major cultural and tourism events every day.
188bet app Group 2022-06-17 10:00:00
Sun Jie said,Facing the uncertainty caused by repeated epidemics,Confidence is particularly important for the tourism industry at this time。
188bet app Group 2022-06-01 12:57:13
Both parties will promote the brand in the brand marketing,Product Design Sales,In-depth cooperation in data sharing and other dimensions。
188bet app Group 2021-06-10 18:40:26
Private 188bet app bookings increased by 260% compared to 2019,Themed tour order volume increased by 127% compared to the 2019 Tomb Sweeping Day holiday。
188bet app Group 2021-04-05 17:47:47
Create、Upgrading the homestay industry is an important part of developing rural tourism。
188bet app Group 2021-03-28 11:41:06
Both parties will base on the tourism situation and current tourism policies of different target markets,Cooperation in stages。
188bet app Group 2021-03-12 19:08:04
Discuss and exchange information on 188bet app Group’s hosting of the Global Travelers Conference。
188bet app Group 2021-03-08 16:05:13
The haze of the epidemic in the online tourism industry has not yet dissipated,Some people are already eyeing OTA’s basic market。
188bet app Group 2020-12-23 11:30:15
November 16,188bet app announces the appointment of Sun Jie as CEO,Effective from now on。Sun Jie will also join the company’s board of directors。Liang Jianzhang, chairman of the board of directors and former CEO of 188bet app, will serve as chairman of the executive board。Liang Jianzhang subsequently issued an internal letter。
188bet app Group 2016-11-17 00:17:53
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