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Support rural revitalization,Tongcheng Travel Union Jiangxi Airport Group、Oriental Airlines launched product benefit farmers activities

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Also launched a rural left -behind child experience flying activity,Meet more children's longing for good travel。

Recent,Tongcheng Travel Union Jiangxi Airport Group、Oriental Airlines jointly launched aviation products Huinong support rural revitalization activities,Subsidies for the construction of benefit farmers and Huinong Airlines,Help more rural residents start civil aviation travel。At the same time,Tongcheng Travel United Airport、Airlines also launched 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino a rural left -behind children experience flying activity,Meet more children's longing for good travel。

In this event,Tongcheng Travel Union Jiangxi Airport Group、Oriental Airlines launched & ldquo; Village revitalization、Special Flight & RDQUO; Activity,Launch a special low -priced air ticket to the rural market for rural markets for Jiangxi,Rural residents take a special ticket from Eastern Airlines only from 199 yuan。Current,This event has been officially launched on the Tongcheng travel platform,Covering Zhanjiang、Huai'an、Boao、Nanning、Zhengzhou、Qingdao、Zhuhai、Enshi、Shanghai Pudong and other places for routes。follow -up,Tongcheng Travel will unite Jiangxi Airport Group、Oriental Airlines through omni -channel integration marketing methods,Touching the potential rural market group,Provide high -quality travel experience for rural travel groups。


From now until the end of May,Tongcheng Travel 188bet sports betting app download also launched a domestic air ticket voucher package worth 30 yuan for rural users in Jiangxi Province (available for over 199 yuan)。When buying a ticket to take the airport in and out of the provincial airport in the Hong Kong airport in and out of the port in Tongcheng Travel APP,Tourists can use air ticket vouchers for deduction。At the same time,User WeChat search & ldquo; Tongcheng travel & rdquo; client,Click to scan the code to enter & ldquo; Village revitalization、Special Flight & RDQUO; Activity,You can check the low -cost aviation products in Nanchang in real time。

10 elementary school students from Qianfang Town, Jinxian County, Nanchang City participated in the left -behind children experience flying activities,Learn Aviation Safety and Civil Aviation -related Knowledge,and board a flight from Nanchang to Beijing to arrive in Beijing,Visit Tiananmen Square and other well -known attractions。


188bet app In recent years,Tongcheng Travel is committed to helping the development of the travel industry through the application of innovative technology,more wide service travel crowds。With the increase in the travel needs of rural residents,Tongcheng Travel will continue to pay attention to rural travel consumer groups in the future,Provide rural residents with richer travel consumer products and high -quality travel services,Continue to promote the development of the rural travel industry。

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