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Explore experience methods and business model changes,Looking for the industry breaking point。
Liu Zhaohui 9 days ago
Wahaha, who re -examines the diversified layout, is looking forward to the trials on the travel track。
Zhou Yishui 23 days ago
Reconstruction of its own characters,It also helps the reconstruction of the new cultural tourism industry chain。
Keep Hui 28 days ago
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Ctrip co -founder and executive chairman

President of the China Tourism Association Leisure and Resort Branch、Chief Expert of the Expert Committee of the World Tourism City Federation

Large -scale Cultural Tourism Group Middle Cadres,Three non -best -selling authors,Traded seven reputation ginseng semi -scenic spots,After billions of dollars in the ups and downs。

The founder and CEO

Vice President of Jingyu Donkey Mom Group、Tourists will sponsor、Vice President of China Theme Park Research Institute、Director of the Creative Tourism Special Committee of the Shanghai Creative Industry Association。
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