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Industrial Investment Author of this article: Jianhui 2024-04-18
Lifeng culture is a creative plan、Planning Design、Production Implementation、Full Industry Chain Service Platform Enterprise, which is integrated with investment and operation。
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April 17, Born with the momentum of & ldquo;,A win -win future & rdquo; The theme Liad Group's 2024 Ecological Partnership Conference and the 2024 Strategic Conference were successfully held in Beijing。Chairman and President of Liade Group Li Jun and the core management of the group,Ecological partners from various industries、Channel Merchants、Financial institutions、Media and other co -attending meetings,Jointly explore the new trend of industry development,Painting a new chapter in future development。

As a leader in the LED industry,Liad continues to lead industry development with innovation,Global leading the world in technology and products。The company has been established for nearly thirty years,Twelve years of listing,Get good results。Now,A new era of coexistence in the face of opportunities and challenges,Chairman Li Jun frankly,The evaluation of an excellent enterprise is not only reflected in financial performance,It also includes corporate governance structure、Strategic Plan、Innovation ability、Market competitiveness、Social responsibility and other aspects。Liad will continue to increase technological innovation and ability upgrade,Leading the development of the global display industry,Promote the release of China's new productivity in the field of intelligent display。

2024 is the year of Liad's partner。Past,We have initially built an ecosystem,188bet online sports betting and the potential is huge; the future,We will continue to promote the construction of the ecosystem,Gathering ecological partners for power,Job with your partners,Unlimited possibilities for the development of co -creation industries。

Will on the way,CEO of Liade Group、The chairman of Lifeng Culture Yuan Bo published the speech "The New Journey of Lifeng Cultural Travel" & mdash;。Yuan Bo interpreted in detail the development strategy and vision of Lifeng culture,In -depth analysis of the company's business layout and core advantages。At the same time,He analyzed the latest trend and market demand in the Wen Journey night tour industry,And emphasized that Lifeng culture is building an industrial ecology、Promoting a positive attitude and firm determination to promote win -win cooperation。



Liad Lifeng Culture was founded in 1997,It is the core enterprise of the cultural sector of Liade Group, a listed company,Adhering to culture、Art、The concept of science and technology achieves a better life,Through technological innovation、Scene innovation、Model Innovation,Open & ldquo;、Fame、Form、Ecological & rdquo;,It is creative planning、Planning Design、Production Implementation、Full Industry Chain Service Platform Enterprise, which is integrated with investment and operation。Participated in the creation of the Nanning Museum、Cantonese Opera Art Museum、Huangshan Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum、Guangxi Wonderful Night De Tian、Dangkou Ancient Town、Zhangjiajie "Meet the Yongyong" immersive cultural tourism performing arts and other batch of innovative cultural tourism projects,Many provinces and cities and autonomous regions across the country。

2014 Lifeng Culture was identified as the sixth batch of national cultural industry demonstration bases & rdquo;,2019 won the Ministry of Science and Technology、Central Propaganda Department、188bet app The single category category of the five ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Culture and Tourism & ldquo;。After years of technical accumulation,Lifeng Culture successfully developed dozens of industries the first/leading audio and video system integration technology,Get a number of international leaders,Get a number of international leaders、Fill the cutting -edge core technology of the domestic industry。The company's existing valid patent of more than 200 items、More than 50 items of software copyright,It is a national intellectual property superior enterprise。


Strategic layout,Lifeng Culture has been at Guangzhou Headquarters、North Headquarters (Beijing)、East China Region (Shanghai)、Huazhong District (Changsha)、Southwest District (Chengdu) and Northwest Region (Xi'an) and other important cities have completed a strategic layout,Formed a comprehensive coverage、High -efficiency and coordinated development pattern。At the same time,Lifeng culture continues to upgrade existing business,Field with & ldquo; field、Hall、show、Tour & rdquo; The four major business segments are the core,Implement the innovative cultural industry ideas,Actively build an excellent cultural tourism complex with both social and economic benefits。


Government aspect,It has also introduced a series of important policy documents,It provides a strong guarantee for the sustainable and healthy development of the industry。Where,The domestic tourism improvement plan released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (2023 & mdash; 2025) clearly proposed a national tourism and leisure city and neighborhood with distinctive cultural characteristics、Promote the goals of the national 5A -level tourist attractions and the construction of the national tourism resort。In addition,The notice of "Promoting Large -scale Equipment Update and Consumer Products with Old Change of the New Action Plan" 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino issued by the State Council in March 2024 also provided policy support for the update and upgrade of the tourism industry。Implementation of these policies,will further improve the quality and safety of tourism facilities,Provide tourists with a more comfortable and secure tourist environment。

In many areas of the cultural tourism industry,Night tourism shows a booming situation,Become an important starting point for becoming a cultural tourism industry。2023 National Night Tour Markets reached 1.57 trillion yuan,The huge potential and driving role of & ldquo; Night Economy & RDQUO;。& ldquo; Night Economy & rdquo;。Current,National Night Culture and Tourism Consumption Gathering Zone has reached 243,These gatherings provide consumers with a variety of night travel choices。With the continuous growth of the night travel market,The potential of its future development is huge,It will attract more capital to enter this field,Promote the innovation and upgrade of night tourism products。


Liad Lifeng Cultural Industry Ecology is committed to connecting with the government、Association Alliance、College experts、Artist and Studio、The upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and the strength of strategic partners,Through professional consultation、Creative Director、Business operation、Flexible cooperation mode of content production,Create diversified、High -quality cultural tourism products and services,Build a platform for win -win cooperation,Jointly promote the innovation and development of the cultural tourism industry。Injection of new productive productivity,Injects a strong motivation into the high -quality development of the cultural tourism industry。


After the meeting,CEO of Liade Group、Chairman of Lifeng Culture Yuan Bo accepted the People's Daily、China Daily、China Tourism News、China Culture News、Kei Hui、​​Wen Journey、Interviews from many media 188bet app such as Pin Orange Tourism。In an exclusive interview with the People's Daily Online,In -depth sharing of the unique insights and practical results of Liad Lifeng Culture in the combination of science and technology and cultural tourism。As a company with deep technology background and strong innovation capabilities,Liad Lifeng Culture is from a forward -looking perspective and cross -border cooperation mode,Award to the new development stage。

Liad Lifeng Culture's understanding of the cultural tourism industry is beyond the traditional project implementation level,Company with four core advantages,Constantly exploring scene changes,All -in -one、Application of sound -optic technology equipment and scenes in the whole process,Bring an unprecedented immersive experience for tourists。Yuan Bo specifically emphasized the importance of the pre -operating model in the cultural tourism project,This innovative operating model not only helps ensure the long -term stable development of the project,It also provides strong support for the sustainable development of the cultural tourism industry。In addition,Liad Lifeng Culture also saw the huge potential of digital assets in the cultural tourism industry。The company is with art colleges、Big data companies and other cooperation,Jointly explore the widespread application of digital assets in the cultural tourism industry。



The future is available,With the continuous prosperity and innovative development of the cultural tourism industry,Liade Lifeng Culture will adhere to culture、Art、The concept of science and technology achieves a better life,Constantly expand cooperation areas,Deepen the cooperation level,Continue to create more high quality、Diversified cultural tourism products and services,Actively respond to national policy,Inject new vitality into the field of cultural tourism,Contribute more wisdom and strength to the prosperity and development of the cultural tourism industry with all partners。

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