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Back trillion tourism revenue has become a "small goal" for many provinces.
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Enter January 2024,28 provinces and cities successively announced the number of tourist receptions and tourism revenue data for 2023,On the whole, the level of tourists, whether the number of tourists and the comprehensive revenue of tourism exceeds 2022 years,Some provinces and cities have increased significantly compared with 2019。

Tourists and income data of tourism receptions in various provinces and cities 


List of the number of tourists and tourist revenue of all provinces and cities

From the perspective of tourism income,Guizhou、Yunnan、Jiangsu、Hebei exceeded the top four in the country,1.46 trillion、144 trillion、1.2 trillion、1 trillion yuan,Zhejiang、Henan、Hunan、Guangdong、Shandong's comprehensive revenue reached 900 billion yuan,The first November data of Jiangxi Province was 870.634 billion yuan,It is expected that the annual tourism revenue can reach 900 billion yuan,Beijing's tourism income of 584.97 billion yuan,ranked first in major cities across the country。

From the perspective of travel receptions,Guizhou (1.28 billion)、Yunnan (1.042 billion people) travel reception exceeds 1 billion people,Stable in the top two in the country,Hainan、Tibet、Ningxia、Qinghai tourists receive less than 100 million people;

From the perspective of tourism income growth data,Henan、Gansu、Xinjiang、Heilongjiang、Shanxi and other provinces and cities have a year -on -year growth rate of more than 200%。From the perspective of the per capita customer unit price,Most provinces are about 1000-1500 yuan,Among them, the highest unit price of tourists in Hainan Province,2014 yuan。

Look at the middle & ldquo; four provinces of mountains and rivers & rdquo; (Shanxi、Shandong、Hebei、Henan) travel data,Analysis based on the official data currently released。From the perspective of travel receptions,Henan Province received 995 million tourists throughout the year,Return to 110.6%in 2019; a total of 806 million tourists received 806 million tourists in the first November of Hebei Province,Restore to 110.05%of the same period in 2019; Shandong Province receives 800 million domestic tourists,Restore to 107%in 2019。Shanxi Province's key 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino monitoring scenic spot reception 80.705 million people,1.6 times the year -on -year increase (according to data from the official platform of Shanxi Province, the province received domestic tourists in 2019 to 830 million people,Reference to the first half of Shanxi Province and May 1st、Data from the National Day Holiday Receptions,Forecast of the number of tourists in 2023 increased by about 5%compared with 2019,The author is expected to receive about 880 million tourists in Shanxi Province in 2023。The final data is subject to official data)。

From the aspect of comprehensive tourism,2023 Hebei Province tourism income is 1 trillion yuan,Restore to 107%of the same period in 2019; Henan Province tourism income is 964.56 billion yuan,Restore to 100.4%of the same period in 2019; Shandong Province's tourism income of 910 billion yuan,resumed to 88%in 2019; the operating income of key scenic spots in Shanxi Province is 4.53 billion yuan (Shanxi Province's 2019 annual tourism revenue data is 802.692 billion,Combined with Shanxi Province in the first half of 2023 and May 1、National Day holiday data comparison data speculation in 2019,Tourism revenue in 2023 resumes to the level of 2019,The author predicts that Shanxi Province's tourist revenue in 2023 is 8000+ billion yuan。The final data is subject to official data)。


It can be seen through the above data,Statistical dimensions of various provinces and cities to tourists and tourism income、The scope is slightly different (Individual provinces only announce the number of domestic tourists reception and income,So the above data is for reference only,Inaction data)

The rapid recovery of the tourism market in various provinces and cities has also accelerated the prosperity of the national tourism market,Recently,China Tourism Research Institute (Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism) released the "China Domestic Tourism Development Report (2023-2024)" display,Forecast of 2023 domestic tourists will reach 4.9 billion,increased by about 90%year -on -year; realized domestic tourism income of about 4.9 trillion yuan,year -on -year increase of 140%。Restore to 81%and 86%compared to 2019。


Domestic tourism income and tourists since 2011

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2023 provinces and cities focus on regional cultural tourism resources,I introduced a series of policy measures,From the tourist attraction free subsidy policy from the beginning of the year、Cultural Tourism Talents Special Recruitment Fair to subsequent financial support rural tourism development、Discipline of Consumer Consumer Course,Promote the rapid improvement of the economic revenue of the tertiary industry for cultural tourism。

2023,Qinghai Province issued a total of 27.8417 million yuan in cultural 188bet app download tourism consumption vouchers,Directly driving consumption of 960.562 million yuan,indirectly driving consumption of 672 million yuan。Jiangxi Province organized & ldquo; 300 & rdquo; Cultural Tourism Consumption Season,attracting various types of cultural tourism promotion consumption activities 9789 games,Introduced 441 policy measures,Release of 111 million yuan in cultural tourism consumer vouchers,Drive the number of comprehensive consumers of 302 million people,Pulling consumption of about 110.3 billion yuan。Anhui Province Innovation Development & LDQUO; 520 & RDQUO; Anhui Cultural Tourism and Huimin Consumption Season,More than 1100 activities in provincial and cities,Introduction of 450 million yuan of cultural travel consumer vouchers,attracted 47.65 million people to participate,Pulling consumption of more than 16 billion yuan。Guangdong Province issued 570 million yuan in consumer vouchers in 2023、Pulling consumption 8.39 billion yuan,Drive the cultural travel、Catering、Accommodation、Night consumption speed up recovery,Online retail sales increased by 9.4%。

Promote multi -format integration and development 


Tourism Performing Arts "Song of Everlasting".

Since 2023,The domestic cultural tourism market is full of vitality,By hosting & ldquo; food shopping festival、Music Festival、Traditional folklore、Non -heritage exhibition & rdquo; and other forms of activities,Further promoting & ldquo; Tourism+& rdquo; & ldquo;+tourism & rdquo;,Promoting tourism and performing arts、Education、Sports、Film and Television、Religion、Technology and other multi -formats combined with innovation,Create a core attractive service content,Enhance the city brand image,Drive the rapid development of the local consumer economy。

From the development of the national cultural tourism market,In the past year,The overall trend of the domestic tourism industry is good,Most cultural tourism listed companies realize their losses into profits,Some cultural and tourism enterprises adjust business strategies in accordance with market development trends,Gradually eliminate non -travel business that drags the development of enterprises。From the perspective of consumer confidence,Visitors' willingness to travel for consumption is continuously enhanced,Consumption content is more individual and diverse。

2023 The cultural tourism industry under innovation 

& ldquo; Sports Travel & rdquo; advanced model of fusion 

Guizhou 2023 with & ldquo; Village Chao & rdquo; & ldquo; village ba & rdquo; hot circle,Make 10000 million people in Guizhou,There are 200 million people on the 188bet online sports betting road & rdquo; Become a hot topic for netizens,Sports Traveling has become a model for the industry for learning。At the same time,Development of the cultural travel industry,Guizhou Province Multi -measures and promote tourism & ldquo; Freachment is not off & rdquo; & ldquo;,2023,Tourists in Guizhou Province、Total tourism income、The average cost of tourists will return to 113%in 2019、119%and 105%。

& ldquo; The concert economy & rdquo; 

In recent years,All places to promote the vitality of the cultural tourism market,Activate Cultural Tourism Consumption,By hosting & ldquo; music festival & rdquo;,Development & ldquo; Performing Arts & RDQUO; Project drives cultural tourism consumption,& ldquo; Follow the concert to travel & rdquo; It has become a new trend of leisure consumption。At the end of June 2023,Jay Chou concert held 4 consecutive games in Haikou, Hainan,attracted 154,600 people to enter the venue,95,100 tourists outside the province,61.5%,Realizing tourism revenue of 976 million yuan。Treating market attention,Treating market attention,Active layout exploration around & ldquo; concert economy & rdquo;,Jay Chou Tianjin Station concert attracts fans 185,000 people,Foreign audiences account for 62%,Drive to spend 3 billion yuan; tour of Jay Chou Hohhot Station,126.17 million local reception tourists,Realizing tourism income of 2.880 billion yuan。

& ldquo; Zibo barbecue & rdquo; help Shandong cultural tourism development

Enter 2023,& ldquo; Zibo barbecue & rdquo; ignited the need for three years of travel for three years,& ldquo; Jinzi rushing to grill & rdquo; Become a new Internet hot word,and continue to detonate media attention,In the past year,Zibo's total retail sales of consumer goods in the city increased by 9.6%year -on -year,Among them, the accommodation industry above the limit、The turnover of the catering industry increased by 28.1%year -on -year、25.8%,& ldquo; Zibo Tourism & RDQUO; It is also written into 2024 "Shandong Provincial Government Work Report"。

& ldquo; Follow the Asian Games to travel & rdquo; value empowerment 

September 2023 Hangzhou & ldquo; Asian Games & rdquo; open,As the highest comprehensive sports event in Asia,High -quality development of Hangzhou Cultural Tourism Industry has been accelerated,& ldquo; Asian Games & rdquo;,Air tickets to Hangzhou increased by 2 times year -on -year,International air tickets exceed 20 times,Driven the number of tourism orders in Zhejiang Province 2 times year -on -year。Calculated according to the Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Statistics,During the Asian Games,For Hangzhou GDP driving volume is 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino 414.1 billion yuan。In addition,In 2023, the local area passed a marathon、Sports events such as bicycle races drive local transportation、Accommodation、Catering、Scenic Area and other tourism income,Sports travel fusion bursts out of new vitality。

Development goals of the tourism industry in various provinces in 2024 

Hainan Province's tourism economy development target is preset for the total number of tourists year -on -year reception of 99 million people,increased by 10%year -on -year; total tourism income of 207 billion yuan,increased by 14%year -on -year; more than 1 million people received inbound tourists。

Gansu Provincial Cultural Tourism Development Objective: 430 million tourists in the province,Realized revenue of 325 billion yuan,increased 15%respectively、25%; the investment in investment promotion projects increased by more than 20%。

Anhui Cultural Tourism will make a force from nine aspects,Vigorously promote the deep integration of cultural tourism,Comprehensive implementation of high -quality tourism strong provinces & ldquo; six major projects & rdquo;,Strive for total tourism income exceeds 1 trillion yuan。

Ningxia will build the core area and urban tourism in the core area of ​​wine tourism around Helan Shanda,Promoting wine cultural tourism has become a new engine & rdquo;,It will surround immersive performing arts、Homestay vacation and other cultural tourism consumption scenarios,Accelerate the creation of cultural tourism integration & ldquo; new explosion point & rdquo;,Promote the image of Ningxia Cultural Tourism.。

Henan Province is full of & ldquo; walk Henan & middot; read China & rdquo; brand,Accelerate the construction of a Chinese cultural inheritance innovation center、World Cultural Tourism Vote。Strive for a year of tourists' reception volume exceeding 1 billion times、Tourism comprehensive income exceeds 1 trillion yuan。

Hunan Province continues to plan the cultural and social development in the province,Vigorously promote the construction of the modern industrial system,Create a trillion -dollar travel industry。Strive for 2024 to receive 700 million tourists in the province、Total revenue of tourism exceeds the trillion yuan mark。

Guizhou Provincial Cultural Tourism Development Objectives: More than 100 main entities involved in the travel market,Tourists、Tourism income increases by about 10%,Night tourists、Visitors outside the province、Overseas tourists increased by 8%、10%、about 40%,Spending from tourists continuously increases,Guizhou's cultural influence and tourism competitiveness continue to increase。

Shanxi Provincial Cultural Tourism Development Objective: By the end of 2024,The 188bet app download total number of 5A tourist scenic spots reached 11,National Tourism Resort Realization & LDQUO; Breaking Zero & RDQUO;,13,000 kilometers of three number one tourism highway is fully completed,The total number of beds available for tourists in the province reaches 1 million pieces,Night tourists accounted for 30 %,Per capita travel expenses reached 900 yuan,The value -added of tourism and related industries accounted for 3.7 % in GDP。

Shandong Provincial Cultural Tourism Development Objective: Implement & ldquo;,No less than 10 scenic spots above 4A or above in the year; implementation of & ldquo; Action,Guide international domestic hotel groups to deploy Shandong,Accelerate the construction of clusters of leisure and resort hotels,Strive for 48 five -star hotels during the year; implementation of rural tourism boutique project,Create no less than 10 homestay gathering areas、20 high -quality cultural tourism town and 40 rural tourism key villages。

(Description: The number of tourists and income data mentioned by the provinces and cities mentioned in this article are based on official platforms published data as the basis for reference,Only Shanxi Province data is speculated for reference to the 2023 holiday travel reception data。Data Inaction is the final ranking basis,The actual data shall prevail with the official data)。

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