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Cultural Tourism and Huiyao Author of this article: Zhihui 2024-05-16
Daily Cultural and Tourism Event Speed ​​Exploration
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The total number of national e -sports hotel stores in the first quarter of this year increased to 21671

Recently,Report display released by People's E -sports and Shunwang Technology,In the first quarter of 2024, the total number of e -sports hotel stores in the country reached 21671,Consumer number is 68.92 million,increased by 7%and 20%year -on -year respectively,The occupancy rate increases to 71.4%。Henan Province leads 1709 stores leading,The year -on -year growth rate of the number of store stores in Sichuan e -sports hotels is 18.4%,growth rate nationwide。Xi'an、Chengdu and other cities with cities in the country leading the country,Wuhan、Zhengzhou、Changsha and other cities become new growth points in the industry。

Hilton Group will open the first Garui selected hotel in Thailand

May 14 news,Hilton Group announced cooperation with Thai real estate developer Sco Asset Corporation PCL,It will open the first Hilton Girui selection hotel at Sukunyi Road, Bangkok at the end of 2024。The hotel will provide 306 rooms,Integrated into Thai cultural elements,Superior geographical location,Near multiple shopping centers and transportation facilities。Current,Hilton operates 13 hotels in 5 brands in Thailand,And there are 9 projects in preparation。Hilton Garui's selection as Hilton's high -end lifestyle brand,More than 150 hotels in the world,It is expected that more than 20 new one will be added in 2024。

Huangshan Tourism and Zhejiang Xiu Performing Arts 150 million Establishment of a joint venture

May 14,Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd. announced,Its wholly -owned subsidiary Huangshan Yunoting Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Zhejiangxiu Performing Arts Group Co., Ltd. jointly invested 150 million yuan,Establish a joint venture。The joint venture will create a performing art stage show with the theme of Huizhou Huangshan Culture at the Xiangcus Grand Theater of Huangshan City。Yun Ting Investment will invest 73.5 million yuan,49%of the shares,Zhejiang Xiu Performing Arts contributed 76.5 million yuan,51%of the shares。This cooperation aims to be combined with the resources of both parties,Promoting Huizhou Culture,Rich cultural tourism products for Huangshan。


Destination of the destination investment barometer

Hong Kong Travel Development Bureau: From January to April, the number of tourists visited Hong Kong doubled year -on -year

Hong Kong Travel Development Bureau announced on May 14th,From January to April 2024, the number of visitors to Hong Kong reached 14.62 million,doubled last year。On the same day,Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Economic Zone, announced,It will issue 8 new Mainland & ldquo; personal travel & rdquo; urban passengers issue 200 Hong Kong dollars per person per person,To enhance the tourist experience of visiting tourists in Hong Kong and stimulate the development 188bet online sports betting of the economy and tourism in Hong Kong。Relevant departments will further evaluate the implementation details and actual effects of the policy。

Hangzhou Qiantang Dawan District Wetland Park is about to open

According to & ldquo; Hangzhou release & rdquo; information,The launch of the start block construction of the Wetland Park in the Qiantang Dawan District Wetland Park has been basically completed,It is expected to be open to the public soon。The total area of ​​the park plan is 44 square kilometers,Wetland accounts for 99.56%,Is a key ecological project in Hangzhou。After opening,The park will become the new green lungs of the city,And as an ecological corridor connects the Chengxi Technology Corridor and the Chengdong Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor。

Wuhan Ice and Snow Center is about to open this summer

May 15,Hubei Cultural Tourism Group announced,Hubei Cultural Tourism & Middot, Hubei in Hanyang, Wuhan; Wuhan Ice and Snow Center has entered the final construction stage,It is planned to be open to the public this summer。This center is from Hubei Wenjia Jianfa Group、Greenland Group and Wuhan New District jointly developed,It is expected to invest 330 million yuan,It will provide the ice and snow sports area of ​​international snow cooling technology,and innovatively open the country's first snow scene aurora restaurant,Combined with leisure shopping、Dining and Entertainment and other multi -function。The project also includes outdoor skateboard limit gardens and aerobic green space,It aims to provide a variety of sports and leisure experiences and one -stop commercial services。


Fast Condition Brand Information Exchange

Three and a half launched & ldquo; Little Planet & RDQUO; Coffee Experience Plan,Explore 9.9 yuan coffee market

The well -known coffee brand announced the start of & ldquo; Little Planet & RDQUO; Coffee Experience Plan,The plan provides special selected boutique coffee combinations、Fun Belly Box badge and repurchase rights,Bring a novel taste and collection experience for coffee lovers。The 3 digital coffee in this plan is sold at a price of 9.9 yuan,But need to be in the form of a group,The sponsor of the group must invite 5 users to participate,One person per person is restricted。Although the price alone is from the price,9.9 yuan 3 coffee is not the lowest price in the market,But the participation of three and a half meals may be more for the strategy of the growth of mini -program users。

Ding Dong buying vegetables Q1 revenue of 50.024 billion yuan,Net profit turns right

Recently,Ding Dong's first quarter financial performance display released by Ding Dong for food,Company Commodity Transaction (GMV) is 5.53 billion yuan,Total revenue of 50.024 billion yuan,Holding the same period last year。Net profit reaches 12.3 million yuan,net loss of 52.4 million yuan in the same period last year,Realizing the loss into profit。Under Non-GAAP,Net profit is 41.482 million yuan,increased by 6.8 times year -on -year。Ding Dong ’s average order in front of the warehouse before buying vegetables increased by 16.0%year -on -year,Store store GMV increases by 4.4%。

& ldquo; The fruit is familiar & rdquo;

Drinking the new brand & ldquo; fruit is familiar & rdquo; On the eve of the summer beverage season, with the blessing of the new products of sugar -free tea and spokesperson,188bet online sports betting ,Successful jumping on the Tmall hot sales list。Fruit is cooked in 2019,At present, its products mainly have air bombs series、Stewed series、Lemon Tea、Juice Tea、Cooked milk tea、No sugar tea、12 series such as drinking juice。The fruit is cookedThe market strategy adopted is a diversified layout,Quick response with the industry's air outlet,Bubble water from 2020、Cooked milk tea to 2023 sugar -free tea and lemon tea,Each product stands out on the popular track with differentiated characteristics。Its sugar -free tea series is innovative and launched nearly ten unique flower flavor,Co -branded with convenience stores,Meeting the pursuit of novelty groups of young groups。Brand knows that market dividends are brief,Therefore, accelerate product iteration,Since its establishment, it has launched 21 products,Cover over 300,000 sales points,Convenience store becomes its strong sales channel。

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Jianhui is in the "dry goods、Deep、angle、Objective "principle Published industry in -depth articles。If you want to obtain heavyweight articles in the large -scale consumer industry in the first time or interact with Kehui,Please search for "Zhihui" in the WeChat public account and add attention。Welcome to submit,Jointly promote the upgrade of China's large tourism consumer industry chain。Submit or seeking reports, please send an email to the mailbox of the editorial editor zjz@tripvivid.com,After reviewing, the article will be published at the fastest speed and will attach your name and unit。An article published by Zhihui only represents 188bet online sports betting the author's personal opinion,Does not mean the perspective of the benefit。About investment and financing information,Jianhui Tourism will try to verify as much as possible,Do not endorse for investment and financing behaviors。Respect industry specifications,Reproduced indicates the author and source,Special reminder,If the article is reproduced involved in copyright,Please contact us in time to delete。Original articles of Zhihui also welcome to reprint,But be sure to indicate the author and "Source: Cantai",Any behavior that disrespects originality will be severely held accountable。
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